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Steven Reed

Year of call: 2017

Steven advises on all aspects of Police Misconduct, on behalf of Police Officers and Police Authorities.

He represents Police Officers and Police Authorities, from across England, at Misconduct Hearings, Police Appeal Tribunals, and in Judicial Review proceedings. He has also represented student officers at Regulation 13 hearings.

In addition, Steven is regularly instructed to directly advise Chief Constables about misconduct proceedings. This includes advising and representing the Chief Constable of PSNI.

Recent Police Misconduct cases on behalf of Police Authorities

PC W (2023) presented case against an officer facing allegations of Discreditable Conduct. The allegations focused on whether sexual activity between the officer and the complainant was consensual. The panel found that all the allegations were proven and dismissed the officer. Following my written submissions, the officer’s appeal against finding and sanction were dismissed.

PI Z (2023) presented case against an Inspector facing allegations of Discreditable Conduct; and Authority, Respect & Courtesy, following his behaviour at a shift night out. The panel found all the allegations were proven and dismissed the Inspector. Following my written submissions, the officer’s appeal against sanction was dismissed.

PC K (2023) presented case against an officer facing multiple allegations of Honesty & Integrity; Duties & Responsibilities; and Authority, Respect & Courtesy. The allegations emanated from the officer’s behaviour when investigating serious sexual offences, including rape. The panel found all the allegations were proven and the officer was dismissed.

PC F (2023) presented case against an officer facing allegations of Confidentiality; Discreditable Conduct; and Authority, Respect & Courtesy. The allegations followed the officer’s off-duty sexualised communications with a female. The officer contended that the female was not vulnerable. The panel found all the allegations were proven and dismissed the officer.

Recent Police Misconduct cases on behalf of Police officers

PC M (2023) instructed early in proceedings to represent a police officer facing allegations of Honesty & Integrity and Discreditable Conduct. I drafted the officer’s Regulation 31 response, which highlighted the weaknesses in the case. Upon receipt the Appropriate Authority discontinued the Honesty & Integrity allegations and re-assessed the severity of the remaining allegations to being misconduct only.

PC B (2023) represented an officer facing multiple breaches of Honesty & Integrity; Confidentiality; and Authority, Respect & Courtesy. The allegations centred on the officer’s access to police systems. The panel delivered mixed findings, with some allegations being found to be proven. Despite making these factual findings, the panel was persuaded to deliver a final written warning as the outcome.

DI D (2022) represented an officer facing allegations of Honesty & Integrity; and Discreditable Conduct, relating to the alleged suppression of disclosable material. Following discussions regarding the quality of the evidence, on day 1 of the hearing the allegations were withdrawn and replaced with a single allegation of Duties and Responsibilities. The officer received a written warning.

DCI X (2020 - 2021) represented an officer facing allegations of Discreditable Conduct and Equality & Diversity, regarding messages recovered from another officer’s mobile phone. Following detailed submissions relating to the Equality Act 2010, the allegations against the officer were re-assessed as misconduct only. Steven represented the officer at the Misconduct Meeting of behalf of the local Federation. The officer received a written warning.


Steven has represented a variety of interested parties, including families, private health care providers, and NHS staff associations.


Steven appears at Crown Courts across England in firearms licensing cases. He is predominately instructed Police Authorities but is also instructed by individuals appealing Police Authority decisions.


  • Gray’s Inn Prince of Wales Scholarship
  • Northumbria University Deans Award
  • Northumbria University Best Advocate Prize on the BPTC

  • LLB (Hons) - Nottingham Trent University (1993 - 1996)
  • Distinction - GDL Northumbria University (2016)
  • Outstanding - BPTC (2017)

Additional Information

Steven is a member of the Criminal Bar Association and the North-Eastern Circuit.
Prior to being called to the Bar, Steven worked for the police up to, and including the rank of Superintendent. Working predominately in the CID, Steven’s experiences included leading overt and covert major crime investigations and being appointed an ‘Authorising Officer’ under RIPA, where he authorised and reviewed a range of covert police operations.
Prior to joining the police, Steven played rugby professionally for Edinburgh and Bath.
Steven can receive instructions direct from the public or businesses through the Bar’s public access scheme.

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