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Olivia Checa-Dover

Year of call: 2007

Olivia is a leading police law, JR and inquest and public inquiry specialist.


'Olivia is efficient and practical, with a very measured approach. She is courteous yet receives deserved respect from all in the court.' 'She is extremely efficient, organised, and has a real eye for detail, being able to identify the key issues in a case confidently and expertly.' (Legal 500, 2023).

'Interprets a vast amount of information very quickly and provides clear and concise advice. She is very methodical in her work.’ 'An extremely sharp eye for detail.' (Legal 500, 2022)

'Her ability to turn around instructions under the most relentless pressure is unmatched.’ ‘She is clear and methodical preparation and grasps the issues well.’ (Legal 500, 2021)

'Her ability to turn around instructions under the most relentless pressure is unmatched.' 'Very focused and gives clear advice.' (Legal 500, 2020).

She is ‘extremely bright, with a persuasive advocacy style’ (Legal 500 2019).

‘Her charm connects her with professional and lay clients alike.’ ‘She has an exceptionally sharp mind and an eye for detail.’ (Legal 500, 2018).

Olivia represents Chief Constables around the country in the full range of civil claims, with a particular specialism in judicial review and claims touching upon the Human Rights Act.

Olivia acts frequently as leading junior, as was the case in Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police v Rashid [2020] EWHC 2522 (QB); or as sole counsel against leader and junior, for example R. (on the application of Wilby-Newton) v PAT and Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police [2021] EWHC 550 (Admin). She has appeared in cases which have helped shape or clarify the law in her practice areas, including R. (Chief Constable of the West Midlands) v Panel Chair (Police Misconduct Panel) [2020] EWHC 1400 (Admin). She has particular experience of defending claims brought by complainants of sexual assault and by the estate following a death.

Olivia has extensive inquest and inquiry experience acting on behalf of Chief Constables, officers with interested person status, healthcare providers and the Government.

Notable cases include:

Inquest into the death of Yassar Yaqub – Mr. Yaqub died having been shot by a firearms officer. Acting for West Yorkshire Police, led by Hugh Davies KC.
Undercover Policing Inquiry – acting for West Yorkshire Police.
Inquest into the death of Chris Penistone - represented the Civil Aviation Authority. Chris Penistone was an aerobatic pilot who died when his plane crashed during a public show.
Inquest into the death of William Mead – acted for SERCO. William was aged one when he died of sepsis. He had fallen ill leading to his mother ringing the NHS 111 service, run by SERCO.
Inquest into the death of Andrew Hall – Mr. Hall died in hospital following a period of restraint in police custody. Acted for West Yorkshire Police, led by Hugh Davies KC.

Olivia is recognised as a leader in the field of judicial review and professional discipline.
She regularly advises and represents policing and other agencies on judicial review claims involving all manner of alleged unlawful acts or omissions including failures to investigate and/or record crime; the use of police PACE and POCA powers and the retention of DNA and other data.
She appears in police misconduct cases across the country at first instance, in the Police Appeals Tribunal and in the High Court by way of judicial review.

Notable case include:

R. (on the application of the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis) v PAT [2022] EWHC 2711 (Admin) – acted for the Metropolitan police in this successful JR against the PAT’s decision to reinstate two officers.
R. (on the application of Humpherson) v PAT and Chief Constable of West Midlands Police [2022] EWHC 1951 (Admin) – acted for the Chief Constable in this successful defence of a JR against the decision of the PAT.
R. (on the application of Wilby-Newton) v PAT and Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police [2021] EWHC 550 (Admin) – acted for the Appropriate Authority at first instance, on appeal and in the judicial review. The case helped to clarify, amongst other things, the admissibility of use of force expert evidence in misconduct proceedings.
R. (Chief Constable of the West Midlands) v Panel Chair (Police Misconduct Panel) [2020] EWHC 1400 (Admin) – acted for the Appropriate Authority and on judicial review in this misconduct case involving racist behaviour. The judgment of Eady J provides authority for the approach to be taken in cases involving racist conduct and the need to adhere to the College of Policing Guidance on Outcomes.
PC P – leading junior in a case involving multiple failures to investigate serious crime (Humberside Police).
PSs H and C – examining the actions of custody sergeants following a death in custody (Northumbria Police).
PC B – historical sexual abuse of a child (South Yorkshire Police).
Inspector A – disclosure of confidential information to a suspect in a criminal investigation (Northumbria Police).
PC J – sexual impropriety (North Yorkshire Police).
PC W – use of racist language (South Yorkshire Police).
PC P – controlling and coercive behaviour (Humberside Police).

University of Durham; Bar Vocational Course at BPP Law School (graded Outstanding).

Recorder, Deputy District Judge and Legally Qualified Chair of Police Misconduct Proceedings

Professional Membership
University of Durham; Bar Vocational Course at BPP Law School (graded Outstanding). 

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