Pupillage Open Evening on 7th December 2023!

Pupillage Open Evening on 7th December 2023!

05 December 2023

We look forward to opening our doors and welcoming prospective applicants to our Pupillage Open Evening on the 7th December 2023!

This event is a hybrid event and accordingly attendees can attend remotely or in person. Sadly we can not provide remote mince pies or remote mulled wine however; if you wish to see our lovely listed building, meet our tenants and pupils in person and eat and drink for real, please do register to attend in person by emailing mm@kbwchambers.com

Alternatively you can register to attend the presentation from our distinguished panellists remotely by using the following link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_gEQ84wJSTsCsOJ0nRhGm9w

We look forward to meeting as many of you as possible on the 7th December!

Have a request? To book a barrister or to discuss your case with one of our experienced clerks please call 0113 2971200 or...

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